Carbs Are God Given Nutrients

(This is not a parody. I take a topic which I don’t agree and write about it from the opposition’s point of view. The goal is to be empathetic on the other side of the discussions/debaters. The tone is not meant to be dismissive or derogatory. I believe carbs are an over-rated nutrient. But if someone thinks the other way, what will be their arguments. Following is my version of that.)

The modern diets of Keto, Paleo and Whole30, are fads. They denounce and vilify carbs in a rabble-rousing manner. Here are my reasons:

  • It is unscientific. Only in the last 5 years, that too based on few highly sampled studies, scientist are showing some results against carbs and claiming it as a useless nutrient. But agriculture has been the backbone for human growth. What agriculture produces is 100% carb. Agriculture increased the population of human beings, who were very scarce in number during the hunter-gatherer times. It was carbs that made people settle in one place instead of being nomads.

  • Cholesterol and fats are known to create cardiovascular diseases, and for the last few decades, many studies have confirmed it. Despite that, this faileo gangs binge on butter, meat and cheeses. God only knows, what after effect this will have in their health and longevity.

  • One thing that the Whole30 brainers get right is the evilness of sugar. Yes, sugar is a carbohydrate but it is high processed and synthesised. It shares the same dopamine release pattern similar to the cocaine. The point to remember here is sugar is a refined carbohydrate. No all carbs are created equal. Gary Taubes, who is the godfather-like figure for the keto mafia, says that there are good calories and bad calories. Sugar is definitely a bad calorie. But not all carb is terrible.

  • A complex carb is naturally occurring macro-nutrient in tubers and many vegetables. If such complex carbs are bad for health, how did many such plants evolved and improved the longevity of the people living in highly vegetarian nations of Asia? Many people have lived healthily till the age of 80 and 90 but have a rich plant-based diet that is full of complex carbs.

  • Finally, carbs are poor man’s health food. Not everyone can easily afford a steak or meat or artisanal cheeses everyday. A simple McD hamburger cost less than $3 can have vegetable (tomato, onion), chicken and bun. It is incredibly filling and very tasty too. Just imagine a life in which you go to a movie theatre, and it has no popcorn or french fries or nachos. But egg salad, meatballs based snack and some hi-falutin side dish. It is a nightmare.

In the age of hyper-differentiation in a crowded diet/nutrition market, villification of carb is nothing but a conspiracy theory of dieticians and nutritionists looking for an edge in their consultancy. Long live carbs.

January 11, 2019