Storytelling As a Superpower

I wrote on Twitter something like this a few days and some people DMmed on this to continue the conversation.

Lessons learnt as a PM

10 yrs ago: Product/Customer > Tech

5 yrs ago: Distribution > Product

Now: Story > Distribution

I truly believe that storytelling is a superpower for anyone. I don’t mean storytelling like a JK Rowling style of excellent fiction. I am talking about telling compelling and authentic stories.

I have overlooked this skill because I thought people would view it as the narrative fallacy”. I was thinking from my head” and saying that people want interesting facts, something innovative or pathbreaking that makes them wow.

But I was wrong. We are genetically coded to listen and get attracted to stories. I love a good story. You too. In the words of Yuval Noah Harari, everything in our world is a story. Money, country borders, human rights, and diet are good stories that we all buy into and believe.

Life on earth is too complex. Our brains receive billions of signals every day. Story is our superpower to simplify and understand the world. We want the world to listen to us. We all should be good at distribution and marketing. Our medium might be words, video or audio. But the basic ingredient is a good, authentic story. I want to learn the craft and get better at it.

Do you resonate with this? Do you have any suggestions on becoming better at this craft?

February 24, 2021