Vulnerability - a Superpower
As a techie, the word “vulnerability” brings a lot of negative context into it. When I was a developer, the security teams would raise critical issues to address the vulnerability problems. It was a no-brainer for my team to address them.
Coming from that background, I found it puzzling that “Vulnerability is a superpower” from the likes of Brene Brown and others.
I first encountered it in a different context in a book, “Five Dysfunctions of a Team”. The writer said that being vulnerable brings the teams together. It didn’t resonate with me at all and I was baffled at it. I thought the writer was using the wrong term for sincerity or honesty.
Then I came across Joe Hudson’s VIEW sessions. Joe says that you should be vulnerable to people and blah blah.
It was then I started to dig deep into it. I found an excellent writer, a researcher about shame, Brene Brown. She has written and spoken a lot about it. Her works were the biggest find for me in 2020.
(Will write what I understood and where I am with respect to vulnerability in the next posts)